Giving Up The Gun

•April 18, 2011 • Leave a Comment

It’s seriously days like this when I want to get out and go to the beach or roam around in some canyon or forest.  I’d explain my situation but I don’t want to get into it. In any case, I just really want to go to the beach, since it’s all hot and unbearable in the valley. It just feels more and more like the year is coming to a much-expected end. And other than really needed to buy a prom dress, I’m so in the mood for summer shopping. Rompers, bold colored shorts, rolled up jeans, t-shirts, and summer dress—that’s the feel I’m getting. This Spring Break feels more than just a good taste of the summer to come in the near future. I’m sooo ready for it. Seriously.

Hey Hey, What Can I Do

•April 9, 2011 • Leave a Comment

 I’m getting a little bit sick of floral things. I feel like spring and fashion are both things that can be brought together in very versatile ways and floral seems to be a tad bit redundant. I mean, don’t get me wrong; they’re easy (mostly) to pull off and end up looking very lovely. However it’s a look that comes and goes every spring. I’m no fashion guru, but I can say (because I choose to) that we should start using our creative minds a bit more. And I know people are going to hate me for the philosophy reference but make like Rorty and redescribe yourself. Create your own self and show off the fabulous (mostly) human being that you are. Which is why I went back to my closet and attacked it like a crazy person. It was slightly successful and if the weather allows, I might end up looking fantastically presentable next week….maybe. Anyways, speaking of versatility, I love the look in the photo above. Keeping it simple and classy but amazing and complex at the same time.

Everybody Just Wanna Fall in Love, Everybody Just Wanna Play the Lead

•April 5, 2011 • Leave a Comment

It’s spring! It’s so beautiful and warm and sunny and so crisp and fresh at 6:45am when I get to school in time for 0 Period AP Lit. Things are getting a tad bit more…uhm…sultry. that’s probably not even the right word and I’m not in the mental state to go back and think it through. Either way, it’s spring and I love it! It means that we’re closer to summer, closer to end of high school (YES!), and closer to college and more freedom, which just sounds soooo delicious at the moment.

Anyways, with warmer weather comes a lot more variety, I’d say, when it comes to fashion. I’ve never been one to wear short shorts and tube tops for obvious reasons; but anybody can pull off summer favorites, no matter your body size. I’m still in love with the look on the left: the oversized top and shorts and tights with boots, street shoes, etc. It gives the feel of a dress with definitely more edginess and class. That’s right, I said it. It’s probably currently one of the most overused words in the English language but that’s something that is lacking in everday fashion–class. Honestly wear what you’d like; just avoid the Ke$ha look. Please. (But that was a given.)


Pretty in Pink

•February 19, 2011 • Leave a Comment

Senior Luncheon was yesterday and one of the activities scheduled was modeling of select prom dresses and tuxedoes. Frankly, prom puts me in a fairly unhappy/anxious mostly because it’s so glamorized without questioning it and there are just too many couples I don’t care about. Anyways, dresses tend to be ridiculously expensive, so obviously I’d do some intense shopping around at least three weeks or so before the event.

Personally, I’m pretty short (five foot, two-ish!) and not skinny or thin; I’ve got curse so I’m definitely not leaning towards a long and sleek dress. I’m also not leaning towards bright colors. Dark colors are more of my taste, anyways. I would love a dark mauve or purple or teal colored dress of this kind

It’s kind of sad actually that I’m going to have to buy a dress that I probably won’t ever wear again. Prom better be worth my time. That’s all I can hope for.

Until next time (I’ve got A Clockwork Orange to finish and a cup of hot tea and inviting blankets waiting for me in this wintery weather),


Wonder Women

•February 12, 2011 • Leave a Comment

  It’s February and you know that that means. If you thought I meant Valentine’s Day, President’s Day, or Chinese New Year, you are mistaken (especially about the first hoiday). This month commemorates the achievements of Black people in the United States, which is a fantastic thing, considering the suffering and hardships. Whenever I think of the movements to end segregation and promote inequality amongst everyone, the 1960’s comes to my mind. And although the work of Martin Luther King and other male activists is incredibly important to Black History, I’m going to focus on the fabulous women of the 60’s and Black History in general. The first black millionaire was a black women; she lived right next door to the Rockefeller Mansion. Rosa Parks stood up for her race and refused to let a white man tell her what to do. Charlayne Hunter-Gault was the first black woman admitted to and graduated from the University of Georgia and was a journalist for CNN and NPR. Let’s not forget the black women who felt underrepresented in the feminist movement and were driven to be involved in one of the most important movements in history. When it comes to women’s fashion (and men’s for that matter) of the 60’s, black women hardly appear due to the Jezebel stereotype, that all black young females are dirty and scandalous. The most prominent name in the women who made it big in the 60’s is Jackie Kennedy, who influenced the fasion of that decade. The pieces she would sport with her husband or children would appear in the high fashion boutiques. Her fashion is also compared to that of First Lady Michelle Obama. The thing is when it comes to women, the pieces they wear are no where as important as the differences they make in the world. It’s the reason I have deep admiration for the women of these movements and the First Lady. Fashion really is a creative expression, a work of art. If someone as hard-working and inspirational as Michelle Obama can express herself in that way, who am I or any tabloid magazine or anyone to criticize?

Hello, Darkness–My Old Friend

•December 23, 2010 • Leave a Comment
Nom de Plume Dress On Drape Adventures Dress


With the holidays here, people feel the need to celebrate and throw ravishing parties and dinners and such. People have now busied themselves with turkey dinners for 20, decorating their houses to mirror-image something they saw in Good Housekeeping, and spending endless hours in department stores or online trying to find that “perfect” gift for the people they love or live with. As if this weren’t enough, they also need to look divine for whatever event they have planned. I, for one, am not a fan of women’s suits or whatever. Class, though important, should not be boring. Find it in the simpler things, and perhaps less expensive.

Whatever your style may be–beit mini with the top ruffled or ruffled completely or strapless black and long–just make sure it isn’t too much. You may not like to accept this fact, but simplicity is golden. Forget the immense gatherings that are at all the wrong places. Kill the clusters of gold anything. Just keep things light and simple.

You can go ahead and disregard this as being so obvious. We’ll see how obvious it is come Prom and half the kids there look nauseating, confused, and lost–and not as a result from other, sketchier things.

Happy Holidays.

Just Wanna Have Fun?

•November 14, 2010 • Leave a Comment

There’s nothing important about a pair of skinny jeans. There is nothing special in a loose fitting boat-neck striped top. There is no significance in a Led Zeppelin vintage tee shirt. There is no worth in a pair of brown ankles tie-up boots. There is no value in a silver chain with a single silver leaf hanging at the end. None of this matters. But do you know what does? When you pull off an outfit and you live your life and make memories with the people who matter the most. A pair of jeans, a classic tee, the most expensive pair of boots out there—they mean absolutely nothing if the person wearing them doesn’t feel like they’re on top of the world. It’s not the money. It isn’t even if what you’re wearing is “in style” or not. Fashion is overrated, simply because people have forgotten the look is nothing without the experience, the perception. (By the way, if anyone cares to agree, look up philosophy of taste. I had an epiphany in my aesthetics class.)

So when you look around Cleveland and you see what everyone’s sporting, you’re usually aware of the general trends. The skinny pants, the boots, the skin-tight tops, the cardigans of every length and color, the patterned tights, the knitted stockings–all of it. But what stands out are not the charming nor the beautiful, not the intellectual or the stupid. It’s usually the people who are having a great time, smiling or not. The people who have the life in them and who seem like generally good people. It’s all about the people, no matter what size they are, what trend they represent, not the money, not how much skin they bare, not how often they stick to the “trends”.

With this in mind, it really doesn’t matter if it gets colder or not. It will be 20 degrees below zero and we will still be wearing lace tops. Okay, I’m exaggerating. But it seems to be working in this brisk weather. Cleveland ladies, for example, have been flaunting black lace boat-neck long sleeved tops tucked into black skirts or jeans. Also in for the weather are knitted legging/stockings and jeggings (jean leggings). The first is hard to pull off and requires precision in an outfit but it’s always workable. Jeggings I have a problem with simply because I’ve always hated denim things that aren’t pants. It’s like blue-colored stretchy pants. But if they make you feel comfortable and if you feel happy and you look great, go ahead and wear them.

(Sidenote: I’m not that excited for Harry Potter like the others, but Emma Watson is so incredibly gorgeous. So there.)

It’s Magic, You Know

•November 5, 2010 • 2 Comments

Pretty hyper and unemotional at the moment, so don’t worry; I won’t burden you with the tales of my life. Anyways, they keep showing up around Cleveland, even though they’ve been pretty big with the Punk Rock crowd for a long time now– fashion combat boots.  I saw someone with black ones with gold shoestring metal hole clasp-thingies. Combat boots have been around for a pretty long time. In the 80s, they were pretty enormous with the whole black, leather, metal scene. In the 90s, you can be sure that they were big with the grunge bands who didn’t really care what others thought of them or if they showered. In the last decade, they’ve stuck with the same sort of genre (just generally rock) but mostly prevelent with punk rock. They have avoided the fashion spotlight and street fashion, but they are being pulled in. I’ve seen a good number of Cleveland kids wearing them and I can tell that they might be big, especially since the whole skinny jeans trend doesn’t seem like it’s going away for a while.

On a slight side note,  Black Friday is in 3 weeks. Oh yes.

– Xenia

We Can Dance If We Want To

•November 2, 2010 • Leave a Comment

So Halloween was as fantastic as it should have been for an almost-17-year-old (yeah, i know, still a baby! D: ). But like a bunch of us went trick-or-treating, including me, without a costume. Oh yeah. Beastly.

Anyways, throughout the weekend I sported random pieces that I absolutely adore, like these Forever 21 black earrings and this charchoal gray boat neck constructed top with loose sleeves. I just like how it fits over the neck, broadcasting probably the least fat part of my body—my clavicles. I just have this thing for open necks, there is something remarkable and confident about it. Paired with dark jeans, dark blue jeans, black jeans, a good pair of dark leggings that are not sheer (again, that are not sheer!) tucked into a fine pair of boots with stocky knee-high socks or loose at the ankles in a pair of Converses. What ever floats thee boat. I also love how flexible this simple but fantastic piece is. If you’re cold, wrap over a scarf creatively and put on a cardigan. Like, it’s so easy to use and such a good piece to wear. I just love it.

Okay, I think I’m done ranting about it. I’m already looking forward to the weekend. I really want to go to the beach and just float or go hiking in some cave. I need to get out of the industrial hype and just float back to nature.

Yours for the moment,


Don’t You Forget About Me

•October 24, 2010 • Leave a Comment

Monday at 12:30 PM I could have honestly sworn to feeling an enormous weight being lifted off of my shoulder; I was done with the midterm and could breathe just a bit more easily. However even though through the entire week I yearned for the weekend, I knew that it wouldn’t be one of pure glee and relaxation. Coming into this weekend, I have never felt more insane than I do now. I’m just so frazzled and jittery. Plus I can’t go to Homecoming, and a teeny part of me died inside; but it’s okay, I’ll be able to sleep tonight. I just have so much stuff to do for college applications, driving education, and school, starting with this beautiful burden. But the truth is I put my cold heart into every article, so be glad, reader. After volunteering in the morning, my sister and I started her little photography project for this contest. Here’s just a sneak peek.

Then my mother took us shopping, and I came home in a cheery mood. I know it’s really stupid and mindless to rant on something as materialistic and empty as shopping, but just being in this environment of beauty and pure joy is worth it for me. Personally, I really hate how thoughtless people can be when it comes to name brands and designers. Coming from a family who can’t afford to buy $50 jeans from American Eagle or Hollister, stores like Forever 21 and boutiques and thrift shopping make me ecstatic. So on that note, I found lots of dainty jewelry and I am finally the proud owner a simple double-banded gold ring. It’s too precious.

Anyways, like I said, tonight is the Homecoming Dance and I can’t go. And when I was in Forever 21 and all these other stores I spotted many fantastic dresses–ranging from formal to casual and everything in between. Oddly enough, most of the ones I liked were strapless, which I cannot pull off due to my body type. Some of them gave me this like gigantic prom-feel, making me feel a tad bit nauseous and anxious. But some of the other ones really made me question what was going through the designer’s head. Like this ruffled panel dress; I’m really not how many could pull it off but it sits right at the border of average and “ehhh” But this is not the time for pointing and laughing and humiliating, just to shed some light on what may or may not be obviously painfully tasteless. Anyways, I fell in love with a classic black strapless with a criss-cross fold at the bust. Of course, there were plenty of darker florals and patterns with similarly dark sweaters and cardigans thrown over along with long pearls or just long, chunky or simple necklaces.

On the same note, I was on lookbook, trying to find examples of the dresses I found and I found this masterpiece. I am so overwhelmed with fascination. There’s something so captivating about photography, especially that of nature and fashion. And when the two come together, it just makes me swoon. Okay. Maybe not swoon. But you get what I mean nevertheless. Anyways, I hope everyone is having a lovely weekend, whether they’re partying it up at Homecoming or at some concert or chilling at homework doing tedious work like me. We’ve got a disgusting month up ahead, but no fear, it’ll soon be over and next spring, we’ll look back and smile and laugh with each other and just enjoy the rest of the year while we can.

-Xenia Braganca